Being an Older Sister Carries Responsibilities But Rewarding

Rachel Sladkey, Staff Writer, Journalism I

Almost every little girl dreams of having an older sister to talk to, to steal lipstick from and, most importantly, to look up to. I was one of those little girls that longed to have a special role model, but instead I got to be the role model. Being an older sister is one of the most gratifying and important roles that I have in life. Because of the nine-year difference between my younger sister Alanna and I, I have the special opportunity to not only be the person she can laugh and hang out with but I also have the opportunity to set a good example for her.

I see so much of myself in my sister when I was her age; she too loves to dance, write songs, sing and be happy. But unfortunately she also struggles with insecurities. It breaks my heart seeing her try to wash off her freckles or hear her tell me about all of her nightmares. I didn’t initially realize what kind of a platform I had being an older sister, but the more I helped her through her struggles the more I realized how important being an older sister is. Being an older sister is a 24/7 privilege, and I say “privilege” because being an older sister is the most rewarding role that I have.

I get to be the person she goes to when she’s sad, happy and confused, and being this person for her has made me realize that I want to set the best example I can. I want her to not only see a person who is happy and successful, but I also want her to see a person who deals with struggles gracefully. I want her to know that life is not always perfect, but how you handle life is what is important.

Even though I will be going away to college in the next year, which I know will be especially hard for Alanna, I will never stop being her big sister. That’s what being a big sister is all about, always being there for her no matter what.