Academy Chatter: What was your Lenten promise and how successful were you?

Elizabeth Bolin, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

Elizabeth Schaupp, sophomore: “I gave up Netflix and I was mostly successful!”

Maya Abujamra, sophomore: “I didn’t eat Konop and I only slipped up once!”

Cameron Cichocki, senior: “I attempted to give up Zesty’s, but I was not successful.”

Anna Schaut, sophomore: “For Lent, I gave up sweets. I did a terrible job keeping my promise and gave in about the third week of Lent.”

Jack Mickelson, senior: “My Lenten promise was to not lie, and I was rather successful at it.”

Nick Koehler, sophomore: “For Lent I gave up sweets but a couple of weeks in spring break hit, and I sort of just gave up after that.”

Ciara VanDreese, sophomore: “My Lenten promise was to give up fast food and, no, I was not successful.”

Chloe Capomaccio, sophomore: “My Lenten promise was to not argue with my younger siblings, and I was pretty much successful!”

Danny Stewart, senior: “My Lenten promise was to lose 65 pounds and but I only lost 57.”

Grace Paulson, sophomore: “I gave up sweets and desserts, and I did my best. I might have broken it a couple of times, especially on vacation.”

Charlie Sauter, sophomore: “I gave up Netflix and I succeeded.”

Owen Martzke, sophomore: “I didn’t give up anything so I was successful.”

Abby Comar, sophomore: “I gave up ice cream but I failed…”

Jake Vanderleest, sophomore: “I gave up fast food, and I might have slipped up a couple of times.”

Tyler Foytik, junior: “I gave up ice cream, and I was successful.”