Getting to Know Mr. NDA XX, Jack Pavek

Mr.NDA XX, Jack Pavek
December 17, 2015
The Mr.NDA show this year was not one you wanted to miss. We saw all different kinds of acts, and, of course, all of the talents that were supposed to make us laugh made us laugh.
This year’s second runner-up was senior Vinny Pallini, and first runner-up was Joe Sladek, also a senior.
Out of the 15 boys voted into the show, Jack Pavek came out on top, taking the coveted Mr. NDA crown.
Pavek was also in the show last year when he was voted in as a junior. His introduction was based on the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and his talent was the hilarious skit called “Tight Pants,” but, of course, with a Notre Dame twist.
This year, Pavek’s introduction featured other Mr.NDA contestants like Jacob Zeise and Blake Olejniczak. Pavek was pulled over and caught with a quite a few dress code violations. Pavek’s talent this year was a song he wrote about his best friend, titled “Simply Jack.”
What did both of his introductions and both of his talents have in common? They were done with Pavek’s best friend Jack Wied.
“The two of us met after I was struck by lightning. He carried my limp body to the hospital, and the rest is history,” said Pavek about meeting Wied, but that’s not exactly what happened. The two best friends met at a captain’s skate when they were freshmen.
“When I first met the kid I thought he was a bit of a fruitcake,” said Wied about meeting Pavek. “He was definitely a loud personality.”

Wied eventually warmed up to Pavek. “As we grew through the years, we found out that we had a lot in common. He’s still a fruitcake,” said Wied.
Being in the show last year gave the two best friends a little bit of an advantage.
“We knew exactly what made people laugh and exactly what didn’t make them laugh,” said Wied. “I was a little nervous this year because I knew it was going to be hard to live up to the hype after our little tight pants stunt we pulled last year. Always confident in my buddy, though.”
“I’m a natural on the stage, so it wasn’t too difficult,” said Pavek about this year compared to last year. “I knew Jack would dance his heart out and make my performance as funny as it was.”
There was a little part in the Pavek’s talent where Pavek started laughing. We all thought it was just a funny moment between the two, but that’s not what it really was.
“Jack even forgot one of his lines but we battled through it and the show went on,” said Wied.

“Mr. Wied and I have an intricate idea for our lives after we graduate. We intend to start our own lucrative business together and live single, successful lives with each other in our bachelor pad,” said Pavek about after high school.
Sorry, Pavek, but Wied has other plans.
“I’ve put a lot of time and effort into hockey the past couple years, and I’m hoping to get drafted onto a team in junior hockey. After that hopefully I can play in college somewhere and eventually get a degree, get a nice stable job and build a large family with my soul mate,” said Wied.
“It was actually amazing to be able to have a blast on stage and show off our friendship to the NDA community. It’s certainly something I’ll never forget, and it will always be one of my greatest memories with Jack,” said Wied.