Cassidy McGowan: “I Truly Love This Job!”

November 23, 2020
Mr. Cassidy McGowan loves helping students reach their full potential.
McGowan has worked here at NDA for six years, and a big part of his job in Student Services is supporting students to perform their best academically.
A few things McGowan does in his job is lead a few Guided Study Halls to help students stay organized and caught up on their work.
He has a love of teaching, which he gets to fulfill this year in his Algebra A class.
McGowan is also an advocate for a two-diploma system at NDA that will offer more leniency towards what is needed for a student to get a diploma.
“If a student joins us, we need the flexibility to offer an alternative path towards graduation if we see the 27 credit threshold starts becoming unreachable,” said McGowan.
McGowan loves his job and the connection he has with his students, but Covid-19 has made it harder to keep that connection.
“I have found a lot of students are dependent on school to learn from the healthy environment, the face-to-face interaction with teachers, even just the routine,” said McGowan.
Even through this struggle, McGowan is trying to stay positive and hoping he can interact with his students again soon.
The resource specialist is very passionate about helping students and loves every aspect of his job.
“I have met some incredibly awesome students. I truly love this job,” said McGowan.