Plethora of Plants in Bobinski’s Classroom

Meredith James, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

If you have had the privilege of attending a class with Mr. Brian Bobinski, (in his actual room, that is), you will notice a large number of plants and greenery. As long as Mr. Bobo (his affectionate, traditional nickname) has been here, so have his plants. Some teachers and students have come to be fascinated by the greenery.

 Mr. Bobinksi shared how he got started with these plants and how he manages to make his room bright, even in virtual times.

“A few years ago my grandfather passed away. He was always growing different types of plants, fruits and vegetables. In honor of him I thought I would give plants a try,” the math teacher told us.

Ever since Bobinski gave plants a try, it has become an enjoyable hobby. The math teacher’s plant raising has incredibly humble beginnings, and the collection of greenery has only grown over the years. The more Bobo has collected his plants, the more interested the plant world has become.

Bobo tells us, “I’ve always loved learning new things and expanding my plant knowledge is one of them. I enjoy taking trips to the plant store and looking for new types to add.”

Although it seems as if Bobinski loves all his plants equally,he still has a few favorites. 

“I would say that my favorites include some Christmas cactuses that were started from cuttings from my Grandpa’s cactuses,” he states. 

Along with these prickly plants, there are numerous other non-native plants harbored in the classroom. There aren’t just two or three plants.

“I don’t have an exact count.  The number changes quite a lot,” Bobo tells us. 

The other non-native plants include multiple tropical jungle plants and even desert cactuses. Who knew that in Green Bay you could grow such beautiful plants!  

“I also enjoy maintaining my plants. Trimming the bushes, trees and shrubs at my own house is also enjoyable,” said Bobinski..

As long as the plants have been here, only one student has made contributions to his mini forest. 

“A former student of mine, Tyler Arkens, owns Green Bay Floral and has made contributions to my collection,” the trig teacher explained.. 

Bobonski acknowledges he has found it incredibly hard to teach virtually. 

“I had been in Room 211 for the past 15 years and that room had no windows. I recently moved to my current classroom which has a wall of windows.  I brought a few plants last year to add some color to the room, and who knows maybe the extra oxygen production will improve student’s brain function,” Bobinski joked. 

With the wall of windows and numerous new plants, Bobinski says that all this greenery is a nice distraction. 

“Now we just have to see how my plants and 30+ students interact,” said Bobinski.