NDA Chaplain Explains Moment He Knew His Calling

Frannie Wied, Staff Writer, Journalism I

“In silence we discover more about ourselves…in silence we find our peace,” said Father Jordan Neeck, in explaining how prayer has been a major part of his life, and how it has supported him and been his backbone in his journey to priesthood. 

If you could go 15 years in the past and ask a teenage version of Father Jordan what he would do when he was older, you definitely wouldn’t have heard the words ‘priesthood’ come out of his mouth.

He had a girlfriend in high school and majored in accounting at St. Norbert College. 

But even after graduating from St. Norbert College, he always felt that something was pulling him back. 

There was one pivotal moment where he knew priesthood was going to be his path.

Father Jordan, who was just Jordan at the time,  attended a Thursday mass before Easter. He watched as the priest in front of him washed his neighbor’s feet, just as Jesus washed the disciples feet.

This action greatly moved him. The next Monday he was calling and talking to the Norbertines. . . and the rest is history.