Senior Moment: Q & A with Autumn Mayer
Autumn Mayer
May 21, 2022
Q. What has been your best NDA experience?
A. My best NDA experience is actually two things. The first is Writers’ Union, a club at NDA run by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Thillman. In Writers’ Union, members submit things they’ve written, and then the club reads and critiques the works. There are also brownies! Writers’ Union has given me the chance to build my writing skills and hear valuable feedback from my friends and peers.
The second amazing experience NDA has given me is the opportunity to be the yearbook editor-in-chief. Though the position has been a lot of work–hours of commitment and responsibility both inside and outside of school–it has also made me a stronger person and leader. Many of the skills I’ve developed, such as creating layouts, will be incredibly useful on my future career path.
Q. What will you take away from your NDA experience?
A. I will take time management skills, my education and my friends away from my NDA experience. NDA provides a rigorous education that has prepared me for the future, and the amount of work that is required has allowed me to learn to manage my time in the most efficient way possible. I’ve also developed valuable social skills and made wonderful friends that I will have for a lifetime.
Q. What are you most looking forward to after high school?
A. I’m looking forward to being able to focus on a subject area I enjoy. Though I’ve learned a lot in my math and science classes–things like time management, again, and problem solving–those subjects were never particularly my favorites. So I’m really looking forward to being able to take more humanities-based and language courses as I pursue an English and creative writing major and a French minor.
Q. What are your future plans?
A. Like I said, I’m planning to major in English and creative writing and minor in French at the University of Iowa. In addition to this, I would love to study abroad in France at some point during my college career. After college, I want to be an editor for a publishing company, as well as a writer.