Students Celebrate Highlights of First Semester, Ready to Embrace Semester Two

Cassi Garrison, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

With semester two of the 2022-23 school year underway, many have completed their first “normal” semester at Notre Dame without masks or cancellations due to Covid.

The first semester was filled with a lot of memorable highlights, such as Fall Fest, the Back to School Dance, special dress days and more.

“I really enjoyed the first semester,” shared sophomore Jasmine Rodgers. “I think my favorite part of it was the sophomore retreat, because it was relaxing and a nice break from classes.”

Others echoed this sentiment, saying that they also benefited from their retreat.

“I liked the retreat,” said sophomore Khalee Robinson. “I also liked the dress down days we got last semester.”

Overall, most students said that they thought the first semester was enjoyable.

“I liked the first semester,” said sophomore Matthew Stein. “I thought it was a really nice way to start off the year.”

With a new semester starting, many are re-evaluating their goals and setting new ones, as well as looking forward to events to come. 

“I enjoyed all of the dances,” shared sophomore Ally Paprocki. “My goal for the next semester is to do well on the finals.”

“I feel like I learned a lot in the first semester,” said sophomore Jayda Simmons. “I’m looking forward to my classes next semester.”