Alum Sophia Schauer Appreciating ‘Benefits” of College

Ben Wolcanski, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

“I felt really comfortable at Notre Dame and graduating made me feel a little sad and uncertain about the future,” said former Notre Dame Academy student Sophia Schauer.

Schauer, who graduated from Notre Dame last year, is now attending college at Northeast Wisconsin Technological College and is majoring in early childhood education. 

“The environment of the classroom is really helpful because it puts you in a pre-school environment,” Schauer said. 

Schauer has been enjoying the new benefits that college brings.

High school wasn’t exactly my thing, I have much more freedom and feel much more motivated than I used to,” Schauer said. 

“Not having school on some days is nice to reset and do things that I need to do,” said the alum.

“My classes are a lot easier because they are about things that I like. I don’t have to take classes I am not interested in,” said Schauer.

However, moving from high school to college was not always the easiest. 

“Switching over from not being at school one day to then being at school the next day was definitely a challenge at first,” Schauer said.

With eight-week periods sometimes the workload can be a lot.

“There is more of a workload but you also get a lot of help. The teachers will sit with you and they have a lot of experience which is really helpful,” Schauer said.

“I miss the structure of high school,” Schauer said.

The thing Schauer missed the most, though, was the teachers.

“I had a real connection with some of them,” Schauer said. 

Schauer also had some words of advice for current students of Notre Dame.

“Take the classes in high school that you are interested in. It will for sure help you in college,” Schauer said.

“Too many people think: That’s what I’m going into. I don’t need to take those kinds of classes but in the end, all it’ll do is help you,” Schauer said.