“The yearbook staff is off to a great start,” said yearbook adviser Joey Rickards.
Lidiya Schneider, editor-in-chief, built the entire layout and design of this year’s book.
Several members are writing articles, interviewing students and collecting and taking photos.
However, the biggest challenge has been getting photos from students.
“The biggest obstacle has been getting photos, which is strange given that almost all of us take photos regularly using our phones,” said Rickards.
In the beginning of the year students were asked to take pictures at school events and submit them to the yearbook.
“So far, we have had less than eight responses,” said Mrs. Rickards.
The adviser encourages students to share their pictures with the yearbook to make it feel more authentic.
The final deadline is in June, and there is still much left to do.
If any students are interested in joining, they are welcome to come to a meeting.
The meetings are held every Thursday at 3:20 in Room 113.