National Honor Society Inducts 64 Students
January 29, 2016
This year, coincidentally on Martin Luther King Day, a group of students were recognized for their excellence. National Honor Society is a national program that acknowledges students that excel academically as well as doing service.
“NHS is really important to me because it helps me recognize my own accomplishments and realize hard work really pays off,” said junior Ella Hunt, who joined over 60 of her classmates that were inducted into NHS last week.
Hunt plans to assist students academically as part of her service. “I spent a lot of time last year at the Green Bay Literacy Center and am hoping to go back as a new NHS member and spend more time there.”
The program considers juniors and seniors who have maintained academic excellence as well as those who demonstrate service to the community. A total of 64 students were inducted.
NHS officers who conducted the induction included President Andrea Ball and fellow officers Ann Fife, Cole Chronowsky and Maddie Halama.
“NHS is a group of the most focused, hardworking students at NDA. They are willing to go the extra mile to serve and teach others,” explained junior Katrina Dietsche, one of the new inductees.
Dietsche’s service emphasis for the next year will be mainly focused on aiding kids in hospitals.
Another member, Collin Clark, explains some of the aspects NHS looks for in a potential member.
“NHS requires a certain GPA, but they also look for involvement outside of school, like sports, clubs, service and volunteering,” explained Collin Clark. Once inducted, students must complete 30 hours of service work of their choice as well as 10 hours of tutoring.
“This is a great way to give back and to help others succeed,” said Clark.
Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, having National Honor Society on one’s transcript can’t help but help with college admission.
“NHS is very important to me,” said Sinead Van Dreese. “It shows me that hard work in school can really pay off.”
Moderators for this year are Principal John Ravizza and Associate Principal Greg Masarik.

The full list of new inductees is extensive: Alexa Algas, Isabel Canadeo, Anya Carlson, Chelsea Chrudimsky, Collin Clark, Jack Colleran, Ariana Del Moral, Alissa DeWilde, Ethan Diestler, Katrina Dietsche, Maria Ehlinger, Ryan Ehlinger, Alexandra Fitzgerald, Madalyn Foscato, Katherine Gapinski, Emily Gibson, Kristin Griesbacher, Sylvia Griffitt, Hailey Gutowski, Miranda Hansen, Joshua Hock, Kelly Hogan, Elizabeth Hunt, Madeline Kaye, Maria Keenan, Jack Kumbalek, Elisabeth Lasecki, Jake LeBreck, Marijo Lesatz, Veronica Letter, Colleen Lois, Brooke Marshall, Emily Martin, Diego Mendoza, Noah Meyers, Katelyn Morgan, Maureen Nesvacil, Ryan O’Connell, Eric Parks, Zachary Pethan, William Roach, Benjamin Rose, Jacob Rose, Christin Roskos, Heather Ruby, Jonathan Santaga, Megan Schumer, Thomas Shade, Eleanor Sladek, Ireland Sweeney, Elizabeth Templeton, Alma Torres, Sinead Van Dreese, Whitney Walczyk, Alexander Wasilkoff, Cami Wendricks, Claire Weydt, Annabelle Whatley, Melissa Wilke, Elise Witmer, Anabelle Xiong, Kyle Yurek, Mary Zakowski and Sarah Zarvan.