Over 400 Attend Prom at Tundra Lodge

May 16, 2016
Academy Ball is an event everyone at the Academy looks forward to attending their junior, senior, and occasionally sophomore year. This year’s prom at the Tundra Lodge had over 400 people in attendance.
“It starts with the planning committee picking a theme,” explained senior Josh Wiesner, student body president. “Decorations then fall on the students and the faculty advisers who donate their time to help with organizing the tables. This then feeds into the technical part.”
Wiesner says seating was the hardest part during the dinner portion of the event because with a limited amount of seats, groups may have been split up.
“Once [seating] is completed, it’s just communication with everyone who attended the ball to ensure they have everything they need like their student IDs.”
A few days before the dance the decorations are set up by a volunteer group. “By this time all that is left is for the guests to come and have a wonderful time,” said Wiesner.
This year’s theme was “Enchanted Forest,” and “the Hirte family even donated a bridge to help with the theme,” said the president.
Everyone who attended felt that the event was successful.
Regan Umentum, a sophomore, had fun at the dance and dinner. “I felt lucky I got to go this year and had a ton of fun. My favorite part was the dance itself, but dinner was good too.”
Umentum didn’t end up going to the water park portion of the event, but she is considering doing it next year. “My friends that went to the water park all said it was fun too.”
Jack Mickelson, a junior, had a similar experience. “This was my first prom at the Academy, and it definitely was a good experience. I can’t wait for next year’s.”
“There was a vast number of people who deserve thanks for their involvement with planning Academy Ball,” Wiesner said. “There was the Academy Ball planning committee and the many students involved with that who did a tremendous job. Specifically, Marissa Rahn and Dom Maino put a great deal of work into the dance.”
“Faculty helpers included Dr. Ravizza, Mr. Masarik, Mr. Kriegl, Senora Dory, Ms. Strong, Senora VW, Mrs. VanGrunsven, Mrs. Fredrick, and, of course, Frau,” continued Wiesner.
Parent volunteers coordinated the post-prom party at the Tundra water park.
“Please appreciate this wonderful activity that makes the Academy special,” emphasized Wiesner. “I would like to echo all the hard work that goes into making Academy Ball fun for all those who attend. It’s a night to have fun with hundreds of fellow Tritons.”