Phone-A-Thon, NDA’s Second Biggest Fundraiser, Starts This Week
October 1, 2017
Notre Dame Academy’s second largest fundraiser, Phone-A-Thon, will start Monday, October 2, from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
“Every student at NDA benefits from Phone-A-Thon. Funds raised during Phone-A-Thon and other Notre Dame fundraisers pay for almost $4,000 of each student’s tuition. This helps keep tuition more affordable and pays for the operating expenses at Notre Dame Academy,” said Claire Teitz, who organizes and supervises the venture.
Calls will take place every Monday and Tuesday from 5:30-8:30 until November 21, 2017.
This year, NDA must raise at least $145,000 through Phone-A-Thon.
“Last year we raised over $192,000 through everyone’s amazing efforts,” said Mrs.Teitz.
Volunteers can earn service hours every night that they participate in helping with the event.
In addition to earning service hours, participants can also receive prizes.
“For each night you volunteer and once for every $100 pledged from your calls, you will get an entry into our drawing for a $100 Visa Gift Card to be awarded at the end of Phone-A-Thon,” said Gina Fredrick, NDA’s technology director.
There will also be prizes awarded each night to the student who raises the most money, makes the most calls resulting in a donation and the most calls resulting in no donation.
The night will also consist of pizza, snacks and a quick training session before the calling begins.
However, the event is still looking for volunteers to make the annual calls on Monday and Tuesday nights and adult volunteers to oversee the event.
“We are looking for groups of 15-20 students to make calls to alumni, friends and family, asking them to make a gift to our school. We are also looking for parent or other adult volunteers to oversee the callers,” said Mrs. Teitz.
Volunteers can be individuals, sports teams, clubs, homerooms or any organization at NDA who wishes to help with the event.
Some of the annual participants at Phone-A-Thon are boys and girls soccer, basketball, golf, cross country, tennis, ASTRA, Sting Cancer and many more.
You can sign up for Phone-A-Thon with Mrs. Teitz in her office, or on the sign-up sheet that was sent out in an email.
“I love doing Phone-A-Thon. I think that this event is super meaningful to all of our wonderful donors because it creates a personal connection with an NDA student every time we call them. I love being able to share all of my favorite activities at NDA with the people that I know are making my education possible,” said Natalie Jacques, an annual participant at the event.