Ms. Mahlock Assumes New Roles at NDA

Ava Vande Corput, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

Everyone knows Ms. Mahlock as an English teacher, theology teacher, Theory of Knowledge (TOK) instructor, CAS moderator and one of the individuals that helps the International Baccalaureate (IB) students.

However, Ms. Mahlock also has assumed a new position at Notre Dame Academy as the Registrar and School Quality Specialist.

“As School Quality Specialist, I will be gathering, analyzing and interpreting data that will be used in strategic and school improvement planning. As Registrar, my main responsibilities have to do with scheduling and maintaining student academic records,” said Ms. Mahlock.

She began the new job on Monday, October 16, and will continue her teaching role through the end of the semester,

Once the semester is over, she will be team teaching in whatever classes it is necessary to ensure the best and smoothest transitioning for all the students.

This means that Ms. Mahlock will continue to team teach TOK as well as continue to be the CAS moderator for the IB students.

“My decision to take the position was a difficult one. I know that I will miss being in the classroom with students, who are always the best part of every day for me. At the same time, I weighed that alongside the needs of the school as it continues to use data and student achievement to continuously improve,” said Ms. Mahlock.

Ms. Mahlock is ready to start her new job at NDA, though she is a bit nervous about the position change within the school.

“Even though I’ve worked at NDA for nearly 30 years, I do have a sense of nervousness about starting a new position. However, that is outweighed by the excitement and anticipation that I feel about being able to contribute to the students and the school community in new and meaningful ways,” stated Ms. Mahlock.

Overall, Ms. Mahlock is very excited to pursue her new position and to work to help better the students at Notre Dame Academy.

“My goal is for the students and the school: to do whatever I can to ensure that students meet their spiritual, academic, social, extracurricular goals. I reflect on the school’s vision for student learning and make it my aim every day: “Seek Knowledge, Exercise Reason, Live the Gospel,” said Ms. Mahlock.