University of Notre Dame Admissions Counselor Here for Information Session Oct. 11
October 3, 2018
On Thursday, October 11, from 6-8 p.m. in the NDA auditorium, the University of Notre Dame (UND) will be hosting an information night open to the public.
The Admissions Counselor at UND, Mr. Zach Klonsinski, will hold this information session and educate families on what the University of Notre Dame is all about as well as teach families and students proper techniques to apply to top-tier colleges.
“The University of Notre Dame has a 19.8% acceptance rate, which is considered highly selective. Dartmouth just paid a visit to Notre Dame, and they have an 11% acceptance rate, and this is an Ivy League University. Typically these college reps have excellent words of wisdom for students who are planning to apply to very selective colleges, so this information session is important to attend if you have any interest in applying to a top-tier college,” stated Ms. Becky Bain, Notre Dame Academy College Counselor.
It wasn’t just a coincidence that the University of Notre Dame information meeting ended up at Notre Dame; rather, they chose us.
“They chose us because we are great, and they know we have students who are very well prepared to succeed in collegiate life,” said Bain.
Not only will this information session provide critical information to many students at Notre Dame, but Mrs. Becky Bain is also an excellent resource for college tips and tricks.
Overall, Bain is looking for the junior class to get familiar with their resources to start thinking about colleges and requirements for these colleges.
“I want the juniors to get into their Naviance account and take the career assessments to know yourself when they start researching colleges. I also would like them to read all the great articles I have in the document resources section of Naviance such as ‘College Admissions Secrets.’ Overall, read the NDA College Application Handbook in Naviance as well as the new version coming via email soon. There is a junior checklist in the handbook, so read it and complete it!” said Bain.
As for the seniors, Bain’s goal is to get a plan from each NDA student about their post- high school plans, whether it be college, military service, GAP year, missions or entering the workplace.
“I want to know what each senior is going to do after college, but more importantly I want each senior to determine if their plans fit them because my overall goal is to see each Notre Dame student succeed in life.”
Rebecca Lynn Bain • Oct 4, 2018 at 11:18 am
Nice article, Ava!