Pancake Run/Walk Raises Over $1000 for NDA Closet

Lauren Van Gheem, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

Twenty pounds of pancake mix, 200 sausages, and $1000 later, the annual Pancake Run/Walk concluded on Monday, April 8.  

Lead organizer Bryan Konshak called it “a great event that was cut short by the wind and rain that came in towards the end.  Being the first year we cooked the pancakes on our own, we learned a few lessons that we will try next year.”

Over $1000 will be donated to the NDA Closet, which provides clothing and school supplies for students currently at the school.

Konshak threw out words of appreciation for all those who came out to walk, run, eat and otherwise support the event.

“I would like to especially thank my wonderful wife, Angela, and mother-in-law, Karen, who did most of the cooking,,” said Konshak.  Also coordinating the event was Mr. Cassidy McGowan, learning resource specialist.