Sophomore Julio Zuniga Teaches Religious Ed Classes at St. Philip’s
December 3, 2019
Notre Dame sophomore Julio Zuniga joins his mother in teaching religious education classes.
Julio’s mother, Juanita Zuniga has been teaching religious education classes for three years. This is his first year assisting her.
“When it first came to making the decision, I was very reluctant to agree.I realized that making this decision would mean having to sacrifice time I could potentially be using for schoolwork since classes were every Wednesday,” said Julio Zuniga.
Soon after rejecting the offer, he started feeling motivated to do it.
“I believe that what motivated me the most was my confirmation saint, St. Anthony of Padua,” said Julio.
Many others such as his mother and a lady who works at the St. Philip the Apostle Parish motivated him but he felt a specific calling from St. Anthony.
“If St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost things and I chose him as my confirmation saint for that exact reason, then why don’t I follow in his path by helping others find something they’ve lost or don’t have…like faith,” said Julio.
From this point he immediately told his mother that he was interested in helping with the classes.
Classes begin in September at St. Philip the Apostle Parish which is when Julio began assisting.
Throughout his opportunity of being in a classroom with others and helping them make their way to their confirmation he has learned the importance of being engaged in a community. Anyone is able to help, but it all depends on if one is willing to take the leap of faith. For those who have already taken that leap of faith they can surely help and encourage those around them.
“I will definitely be willing to continue helping in the future. One thing I do enjoy about what I do is being able to interact with the students and having the opportunity to potentially help them achieve something big which is the main goal,” said Julio.
By offering help to others and watching them achieve their faith goals, Julio is also growing in his own faith.
“That was a decision I don’t regret making because along with helping others, I’m helping myself as well,” said Julio.