Fan Man’s Role Stifled by Pandemic

Will Drake, Staff Writer, Advanced Journalism

Fan Man Jack Christensen does more than cheer.

Indeed, Christensen competes on the cross country team and has been in the program for all four years of high school.

Because of the FRCC decision to  move the cross country season to spring, the NDA team has had to alter its schedule.

They are competing against some non-traditional opponents such as Kimberly and Neenah.

Cross Country is tough but rewarding, according to Christensen, but his other role has also been dramatically affected by the Pandemic.

“With limited sports and very limited spectator allowance there’s not a lot I’m able to actually go out and do as Fan Man as of right now. I’m hoping that will change as I can’t wait to cheer on some sports this year, and hopefully have tailgates and such,” said Christensen. 

“Cross country is always tough but rewarding,” he continued. “To be honest, I didn’t work as hard as I should’ve this summer so getting back into shape is pretty tough, but I’m getting back into it pretty quickly.”

Past Fan Men, such as last year’s Howie Gerstner have also competed in cross country, 

Christensen, however, stated Gerstner was not the person who inspired him.

“My 8th grade year, I watched THE Alex Steber be Fan Man as I was in the crowd with my parents. I went home and told my mom that night I wanted to be Fan Man one day. I love going to sporting events and getting hyped, so I knew it was something perfect for me. It isn’t the year I wanted, but I still can’t wait to make the most out of it.”

Christensen hopes that he can do something for the sporting events later in the year, such as volleyball, basketball and all of the spring sports.

He plans on keeping some things the same despite the pandemic.  He and Mermaid Claire Noble have recorded the first football rap and hope to send it out to the student body this week. 

While he and many of us will not be attending the game, he is trying to keep school spirit alive.