Will Canton, Mississippi, Service Trip Happen This Year?

Carolyn Brown, Adviser, Online Tritonian

For almost 20 years, a team of students from Notre Dame have used their spring break to serve others in Canton, Mississippi.

Although the Covid pandemic cancelled the trip the last two years, Campus Minister Daniel Kriegl has laid the groundwork for a return to Canton this upcoming spring break.

“Right now I have four students signed up to go,” said Kriegl.  “We need 10, so I’m leaving it in the hands of God.”

The deadline for signing up is Friday, Jan. 14. The trip is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors.

Senior Joe Diny, who went as a sophomore, said, “It was fun.  You get to get away for a whole week and get closer to people you know and others you don’t know.”

Pictured is the last group to go on the Canton, Mississippi, service trip, an annual event until Covid interrupted normality. Diny is second from left, top row.