‘Ukrainian Help Drive’ Underway at NDA
March 10, 2022
The drive for Ukraine is a success with so many donations that they are wrapping around the hallway.
The drive for Ukraine was started by four girls: Alexandra Schweiner, Gabrielle Ruggles, Milana Volkova and Vladyslava Kylmenko.
The girls met at a rally for peace to support Ukraine on February 27, and they reached out to each other to see how they could go about starting a drive for Ukraine.
“We decided to start it because there are so many people who need help and support as they try to get out of the country, and we all agreed that this was the best way to get involved,” said Schweiner.
Once the group came up with ideas and made a solid plan, they went to the principal to put the drive in action.
They came up with a list of items for the drive, set up speaking at Mass and on the Morning Show, and making sure the items would get to where they needed to be.
The group also had a bake sale to raise money for the cause.
Some of the group members have been affected by what is happening in Ukraine more than most.
Volkova is an exchange student from Russia and has family there.
Volkova mentioned that at one point she tried to send money to a teacher in Ukraine, but her Russian card was already blocked.
“All I can do is to help people to survive and find a better place to live,” said Volkova.
Kylmenko is an exchange student from Ukraine with family there.
She mentioned how hard it is to watch what is happening in her home country.
“ On the first day Ukraine got bombed, I was terrified and felt useless. I personally am safe here in the US, but all my family and friends there aren’t. No one knows what could happen to them,” said Kylmenko.
Schweiner talked about how she felt the need to help because so many have to leave so much behind.
She also has family in Ukraine.
“I also felt that if I can’t help my own family in Ukraine, I should help others who are taking a huge risk by trying to get to a safer place,” said Schweiner.
Ruggles said that at the rally she heard people with family members in Ukraine who don’t know if their family members are safe, and it stuck with her.
“I wanted to be there to support my friend as well as all the people who have been personally affected by all that is happening,” said Ruggles.
A list of items for the drive are on the NDA website, and it runs until March 25.
The full list of needed supplies includes:
- Long Underwear and Underwear
- Baby Essentials
- Baby food, Diapers, Wipes
- Medical Supplies
- Gloves, Bandages, First Aid Kits, Garbage Bags
- Warm Clothes
- New or Used Shirts, Sweatshirts, Pants, ect.
- Hygiene items
- Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Soap, Antibacterial Wipes, Sanitizers
- Dry/Non-perishable foods
- Dry foods for a Children’s Orphanage in Donetsk
- Granola Bars, Cereal, ect.
- Sleeping Bags and Sleeping Mats
- Blankets and Pillows
- Women’s Products
- Outerwear
- New or Used Coats, Hats, Gloves, Mittens, Socks, Raincoats
As for monetary donations, a separate space in the commons has been set aside.
Money can also be given or mailed to Cathy Kirschling in the Atrium office or donated online through the “Donate Now” section of the NDA website.