NDA Students, Staff Join Volunteers Packing Meals for Hungry Children

Ben Wolcanski, Staff Writer, Journalism I

Notre Dame students and faculty volunteered this past Monday night for Feed My Starving Children at Green Bay Community Church where they packed bags of food for children overseas. 

“I was totally impressed with the organization of the event. They utilized our energy very effectively, pushing us to bag faster and faster. The NDA kids loved the music and the challenge. It felt good to be doing something good for others. All credit goes to Mrs. Percival for telling us about it,” said Carolyn Brown, one of the volunteers.

Denise Percival made faculty and students aware of this opportunity to help.

“Mrs. Percival was a key person in getting it going,” said Brown.

The volunteers bagged enough food to feed 289 children one meal per day.

The student volunteers were Alexandra Lagowski, Ava Pleus, Frankie Vandrisse, Madelyn Scripp, and Arturo Aguilar Vera.

The faculty volunteers included Adam Rudar, Beth Abler, Caitlin VandenWyngaard, Denise Percival, Fr. Jordan Neeck, Eliza Campbell and Brown.

“Mrs. Hearden (interim principal) put the staff into teams at the start of the school year and challenged us, among other things, to do a service project.  Mrs. Percival suggested Feeding My Starving Children, and we are so happy  we did it.  I regret I didn’t invite students like she did,” said Brown.