NDA Students Donate 7254 Diapers to Pro-Life Group
March 26, 2023
A week of competition among first-hour classes resulted in 7,254 diapers that will benefit three area pregnancy centers.
NDA’s Lifeguards, a pro-life group with Father Jordan Neeck and Assistant Principal Greg Masarik as advisers, organized the Diaper Drive and promised breakfast to the winning class.
“This is a tremendous help to young families that struggle to provide the necessities to raise their children,” said Masarik.
The winning class was a Freshman Honors English class, whose diaper tally was 2,260 diapers.
English teacher Carolyn Brown praised her students’ enthusiasm for the drive.
“When Maya Christensen brought in a big box of diapers, that started it all,” said the teacher. “Others contributed, I bought a big box, and kids got their parents to pick up diapers. I gave one student, Ava Michiels, a $20 bill because she was going to Target. She brought it back as she and her mom bought the diapers themselves. Same thing happened with Lina Stachura. I offered money to pick up some more diapers, but Lina refused it.”
Although the cause itself was a good one, it may have been the competition that sparked the generous donations.
“We had discussions about whether to wait until the last day to show our hand,” said Brown. “The daily spreadsheet made us nervous because so many other classes, like Dory’s and Mattke’s, were also bringing in a lot of diapers. And then we heard Guyette was pumping up the numbers too and waiting until the final day.”
Masarik said the class will be awarded breakfast “at a mutually agreed upon date.”
“We had a lot of fun with the contest, and the kids, as well as myself, learned how expensive diapers are,” added Brown.
Gma Aggie • Mar 26, 2023 at 8:08 pm
Wonderful competition AND generosity. This makes my heart smile?