Tritonfest, NDA’s biggest fundraiser, is Saturday night, and volunteer opportunities are still available to students for service hours.
According to Mrs. Clair Teitz, assistant director of development, students are needed to greet the 400 or so guests, work the coat check, sell raffle tickets and help people collect their auction items at checkout.
Teitz added that Tritonfest student volunteers would have a pizza dinner during the event.
“Anyone who could help clean up after the event would also be appreciated,” added Teitz..
Students can sign up on the sign-up sheets outside of the Campus Ministry office next to the Main Office.
Along with the student volunteers needed for Trionfest, the Athletic Department is offering an opportunity on Sunday, February 2, for students to help clean up the main gym for classes on Monday.
“We have about three hours of work needed to clear the gym of tables and chairs, clean the tarp of dirt and use Swiffer mop kits to clean the tarp on the floor to get it ready for school on Monday,” said Matthew Koenig, athletic director. “The more workers, the faster we will get it done.”
“The Athletic Department wants the Triton Center ready for basketball practice on Monday,” said Teitz. Students need service hours; the Triton Center needs cleaning.
The collaboration between athletics and campus ministry on the Sunday noon to 3 p.m. take-down revolves around the fact that ASTRA volunteers are among the best when it comes to volunteering.