Academy Chatter: Where did you serve on NDA Serves Day and how did it go?
April 25, 2017
Chloe Capomaccio, sophomore: “I went to the Hope Center, and it was very fun putting food on shelves, and I felt very good helping the ladies out.”
Ciara VanDreese, sophomore: “I went to the Hope Center to work on sorting different foods for donations. Everyone there was really positive and appreciated all of our help it so it went very well.”
Jack Mickelson, senior: “I served at Aldo Leopold and it went very well. I enjoyed seeing the kids there and even saw some of the same kids that I saw last year.”
Katie Romes, junior: “I served at the CP center and I loved it so much I’m volunteering this summer.”
Lilly Brada, junior: “I went to the New Zoo and it was awesome! The time flew by–probably because I was so excited about all the animals around.”
Anna Schaut, sophomore: “I served at Paul’s Pantry. I had a great time helping out all the people there. All of the volunteers and workers there are very welcoming and kind. I signed up with a couple of my friends which made the experience better and a lot more fun!”
Danny Stewart, senior: “I went to the railroad museum and it was fun.”
Mattea Vecera, freshman: “I served at St John the Baptist school and I loved being able to give back to my middle school.”
Anabelle Xiong, senior: “I served at Howe Elementary and it went very well!! I decorated hands and played with children in the classroom.”
Nick Koehler, sophomore: “I went to Encompass Child Care to clean the facilities. Definitely going back next year!”
Cameron Cichocki, senior: “I went to Saint John’s Homeless shelter and it was actually pretty fun!”