Top Five Events of Semester Celebrated as 2018 Closes
December 18, 2018
As the 2018 year comes to a close, so does semester one at Notre Dame Academy.
Overall, a lot has happened over the past semester at Notre Dame Academy, and here are the top five events that occurred during this semester at Notre Dame.
1.This year, gender equality was made during Mr. NDA, which is now Academy Award. The program allowed both men and women to try out for all the roles, and it ended up where two females were in the show instead of just all males. Though junior Owen Brummel took the crown, there is always next year to make history once again if a female wins the title.
2.The student body also welcomed a record number of 222 freshman this year to complete the class of 2022. This is one of the largest classes Notre Dame has ever encountered which definitely proposed some new challenges for faculty and staff. This led to many schedule changes as well as the addition of a few new teachers in order to have enough staff members to educate all those who attend Notre Dame.
3.The addition of new teachers is always big news at Notre Dame. Some of the new staff included Mrs. Melanie Bradshaw, art teacher; Mr. Phil Kuenzi, theology teacher; Mr. Christian Dory getting to work with his wife Senora Dory; and, of course, Notre Dame’s new chaplain Father Christian. The additions of the new teachers has led to a lot of positive commentary from the students as well as other staff members. Overall, these new teachers have helped many Notre Dame students succeed as well as taught them more than just material in the classrooms. Indeed, these teachers are working to teach life lesson and prepare the students for the years to come.
4.Along with the faculty and staff guiding students to stay on the right path, Tyler Luedke and Doug Darby urged the same message during a senior seminar in November. This senior seminar was on drugs and alcohol, a commonly presented topic to high schools. So, going in, many seniors thought this presentation would be the same old same old. However, this assembly was one of the most powerful presentations most of the seniors had ever seen, and it truly left an impact on everyone.
5.However, this was not the only powerful message stated at Notre Dame this semester. An presentation on chastity led to a half-day dedicated to not only that topic but also a Eucharistic procession and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. This Eucharistic procession around the school was a very powerful movement for many students as well as faculty. Many individuals felt the power of faith while they walked with their peers down the sidewalk portraying their faith to the outside world. It was a sight to see as well as something many individuals will never forget.
Like always, this semester was full of both good and bad. Overall, however, it has been not only a successful semester but also another successful year at Notre Dame Academy.