Senior Advice: How to Handle Final Exams

December 13, 2021
There is much excitement as the semester comes to a close. Between sporting events, performances and more, the end of the year is full of fun events. Along with this, however, are also semester exams.
Exams are a new experience for the freshmen at NDA, and this will also be the first set of winter exams for sophomores. Although exams can be a stressful time, the right preparation and time management can go a long way. Here are some tips for success.
Complete any missing work!
Most exams aren’t a make or break for your semester grade. While this can be a stress reliever, it also means that making the final of the quarter count is important. Most teachers will accept missing work through this Friday, December 17. Turning in missing work this week, along with doing your best on any final assignments of the week, can add a little bump to your grade. 2You don’t need to spend the same amount of time studying for each class.
Sometimes having as many as seven classes to focus on for finals can be really stressful. Looking at your grades and how much each final is worth can help you divide time more effectively. A final worth 10% of your grade in a class you are very successful in probably doesn’t need as much of your focus as a class you find more difficult where the final is worth 20%.BUse your resources.
There are so many awesome resources available. From review websites to YouTube videos to your own teachers! Finding additional study materials online is a great way to review tricky subjects. Underclassmen could ask Juniors and Seniors questions about where to find study materials for certain classes; they have plenty of experience!
Take a deep breath.
Finals can be a stressful time, and it’s important to pause every once in a while and take a deep breath. It can feel really overwhelming, especially when it’s your first round of finals, but in two weeks it will be winter break and a good time to reset. It’s okay to need to ask for help. That’s what your teachers and student services are there for. You’ve got this! Happy Studying!
Becky L Bain • Dec 16, 2021 at 10:35 am
Wise advice from an accomplished senior. Way to go, Sophie!