Helpful Tips for Final Exam Week
December 16, 2022
Final exams are next week and this can be a very stressful time, but here are some of my helpful tips and tricks to help you get through the week feeling great.
The best way to prepare for exams is by directly talking with your teachers and knowing what you should study.
Teachers want you to succeed, so meeting with them before and after school are great options. They can see what you are doing well and what you need to work on.
When studying independently, find a place with minimal distractions. I like to go to Starbucks and find a corner and just sit there going through the material.
While studying with friends can be fun, I have not found it to be as effective as independent studying.
Of course, in some situations, it is beneficial to have a friend with you. When I am working on my 100s of problems from Mr. Bobinski’s class I like to have someone there to help me with formulas and what methods to use.
The best way is to find what works best for you. Setting yourself up for success is important; do not wait until the last second.
Besides studying for exams, taking care of yourself is just as important. Getting sleep the night before is crucial. After every exam day, I always go to lunch with my grandparents to get my mind completely off all testing.
Worrying about grades and what you need to get on the test only puts more unnecessary pressure on yourself.
Focus one day at a time, and know what tests you have on what days as well as when throughout the day you can quickly go over notes before the test.
The passing periods are 10 minutes so this gives time to either talk with friends and relax a little before the next exam or to quickly go over notes. In the past, I have gotten up early and gone out to breakfast at Perkins and studied a bit. Not only is going through the content waking me up, but the nutrients of breakfast are as well.
Exams are meant to test your knowledge gained throughout the semester. Do your best and focus on what you have learned versus the grade you received.
Good luck to all and have an amazing Christmas!