With the start of a new semester, a changing of the guard takes place in the NDA Triton News studio with some new students joining the crew and some old veterans returning for another semester of intriguing Audio and Visual learning.
However this semester poses a new set of challenges, mainly being that the NDA Triton News crew is running on a smaller crew than normal.
Normally, the class aims to have 12 students to be able to run the studio and the news easily and efficiently. For this semester we only have eight students on the NDA Triton News team.
However this does not mean that the show will be shut down. In fact, even with a smaller crew, NDA Triton News is looking to surpass how they did things in the past to make the show better than ever.
Now that I have one semester of experience it is definitely interesting to be able to approach the Triton News from a different lens and a lot less fear and anxiety about making sure that I do not make mistakes. The past semester has taught me that mistakes are bound to happen, and they are good to learn from.
I still firmly reiterate that AV Productions and NDA Triton News are some of the most interesting experiences and best memories that I have had here at NDA. I cannot recommend taking this class enough and if you have any interest in the morning show, technology or even presenting, please consider joining AV Productions this semester. You won’t regret it.