The Boys Hockey team plays in the state finals this Friday, and one player stands out for being named FRCC Player of the Year.
Senior Nathan Antti believes that the season has been going “really well so far.”
“I’ve been playing pretty well and building as a player in order to prepare myself for after high school,” he added.
The boys who have been named the third seed for the state finals were initially looked down upon by other coaches and the important WIAA individuals.
“We’ve made ‘it’s personal’ our mantra for the playoffs,” added Antti.
Their coach has been getting them pumped up and in the right mindset to prepare them to play each game.
“My personal drive is just the fact that this is my last ride, and I want to go out winning,” shared the senior.
After graduation, Antti plans on playing junior hockey for a couple of years and then continuing on to play at the college level.