Reporter’s Note: I wrote a story earlier this year about the spring play’s production under student management, and with opening night approaching, it feels appropriate to see how things are progressing.
NDA students have been working tirelessly to put together a show that the community will be proud of. Snow White, a student-directed one-act play, takes the stage Friday, April 11.
“I am beyond excited for this production! I was so grateful that we took this on in any shape,” said Caroline Broberg who plays the narrator in Snow White. “Going from not having a production three months ago to the show being in three weeks is a crazy experience, and I couldn’t be more grateful.”
The previous story focused on the new leadership of the play, and it is safe to say that the co-directors, Amelia Chrudimsky and Maame Asiamah, have learned a lot so far about the responsibility of running a production.
“All the extra stuff has been the biggest challenge,” said Chrudimsky. “Working with a budget, the tech crew and the logistical side have all been challenges.”
“Everyone listens very well. I was worried about a potential power imbalance, but everyone has been great,” added Asiamah.
Each of them has had to adjust to new roles, and Chrudimsky was very candid about what she appreciates the most about this opportunity.
“I’m a big personality, so stepping back and watching the new people take the lead is what I am most appreciative of,” she said.
Asiamah has the unique role of acting in the play as well as helping with directing, and she has balanced wearing both hats.
“I do pay attention to things from a director’s perspective and make a mental note,” she stated.
The student leadership is unique for the cast as well, and Caroline Broberg was quick to comment on how much having her peers as directors has helped enhance her performance.
“I appreciate their blocking and feedback because I know they have been in my exact position before,” she said. “It is nice to be able to relate to your directors, and that also allows them to give more critical and constructive advice because they know what to look for.”
As far as her role as narrator, Broberg said she is focusing most on clarity and her storytelling abilities.
“I add emphasis and suspense where necessary, and I love a good dramatic pause. I also make myself as clear as possible by over-announcing and refining my tone.”
A comment that both Chrudimsky and Asiamah had was about the number of younger students getting involved and their excitement level about the project. The majority of the cast is underclassmen who are learning what theatre is all about.
“I have been involved in both the play and the musical,” said freshman
Julia Gutowski. “I am trying to approach it with an open mind knowing it’s hard to put personality into such a small role, but it’s possible and I intend to do that!”
Gutowski is working her way up the ranks in the theatre program and said she hopes to be part of shows for years to come.
Seeing as how this is unchartered waters for the student directors, it is natural to fall back on role models that have helped them get to this point.
“(Mrs. Gilson) is the director I’ve had for so long, so it’s kind of hard not to emulate her,” said Chrudimsky.
Mrs. Gilson also noticed some similarities in how both she and the students are running rehearsals.
“I was impressed with Amelia’s directing. She was organized, detailed, and positive. She paid careful attention to every detail, line and scene.”
A variety of teachers have volunteered their time to sit in on rehearsals, to be an adult present with the students. One of those, Ms. Joan Cinotto, has observed several rehearsals and “is impressed how quickly they’ve progressed, learned their lines, know their cues.”
“The play is really, really funny,” add the theology teacher.
Snow White opens on Friday, April 11, in the NDA auditorium with great moments and memories awaiting.