Summer School Starts June 17
May 26, 2019
With the completion of the school year, some students pause and then begin summer school.
Notre Dame Academy offers Team & Strategic Games, Lifetime Fitness, Computer Applications, Algebra I and II, as well as NDA Launch: Reading & Study Skills classes over the summer.
The price per course is $375. The registration fee of $75 was due May 17. Tuition must be paid on the first day of class.
Each course is Monday-Thursday from June 17-July 25 with no classes the week of July 1-4. The student can attend a class from 8:15-11:30 and 12-3:15.
For each class the student takes he will receive a half credit that is factored into his GPA and counted towards graduation requirements.
Daily roll call is taken and if a student has more than two absences, he is dropped from the class and will not receive credit for it.
Even though it is held in the summer, students are still expected to comply with NDA behavior guidelines and behavioral infractions will be dealt with the same way they would be during the school year.
Although these guidelines are expected to be upheld, casual dress is permitted and Physical Education students are instructed on specific guidelines on the first day of class.
Team & Strategic Games are a morning session and LIfetime Fitness is held in the afternoon. These classes are often taken by students that cannot fit a gym credit into their regular schedule, such as someone who is in band.
Computer Applications is held only on Monday afternoon in class during an afternoon session, and the rest is completed by the student online. Mrs. Jennifer Laaksonen communicates with the students online throughout the rest of the week.
Algebra I is held in the morning and Algebra II is held in the afternoon. Students receive more individual attention and are able to strengthen their skills in mathematics.
NDA Launch is a course that is limited in enrollment to preselected incoming freshmen that are looking for a head start so that they are prepared when they arrive in the NDA halls.
In general, these courses are limited to NDA students with core values upheld all through summer.