Academy Chatter: What is your favorite class you’ve taken at NDA?
April 7, 2015
Nichole Michaletz, freshman: “Science because it is interesting.”
Daniel Patz, freshman: “Freshman theology because I like the group of people in the class.”
Andrew Lampereur, freshman: “ Mrs. Brown’s English class is my favorite because we get work done and learn in the most fun way possible. The brownies are also a nice bonus when we win every week.”
Sam Nennig, freshman: “German, especially when we play ‘Kahoot.’ ”
Emily Johnson, freshman: “Spanish because Doctora is hilarious.”
Ali Shea, freshman: “ICP because it pushes me to actually learn and pay attention.”
PJ Schneider, freshman: “Science because you can always have a good laugh.”
Andrea Ball, junior: “Freshman ISS with Mr. Mallien because he was an amazing teacher and gave me smarties and whales.”
Emma Neumeyer, junior: “Lunch because I can finally drink my apple juice.”
Jackie Calba, junior: “Recess….oh wait..”
Maddie Brusda, junior: “Freshman year Theology because Mrs. Schmidt was the best!”
Lizzy Smith, junior: “Freshman theology with Frater Mike because there were a lot of awesome kids in that class and Frater was our teacher!”
Liz Markland, junior: “Honors bio because I love a challenge.”
Emily Ness, junior: “Choir because I get to sing and dance!”
Jack Petermann, senior: “My art class 7th hour freshman year; that was a blast, a lot of fun memories.”
Carter Jacobson, senior: “Math class sophomore year, with Frater Brennan, good times.”
John Savona,senior: “I really enjoyed chemistry junior year because it was a good class.”
Ty Yewman, senior: “I loved the Public Performance class last semester.”
Derek Antonissen, senior: “Mr. Cook’s class junior year because that class was really fun.”
Jacob Hilliard, senior: “Ms.Mahlick’s theology class junior year because I got a lot out of it.”
Austin Nordeen, senior: “Mr. Kriegl’s Christian Lifestyle class is really cool.”
Colton Lippert, senior: “Advanced bio because I had Mrs.Hollenback.”
Ben Lelinski, freshman: “ISS because we can hacky sack before class and that makes your whole day.”
Meghan Yakel, freshman: “ISS because the people in my class are fun, I do well in the class, and the teacher is nice.”
Hannah Ciriacks, freshman: “German because the class is lots of fun.”
Lily Schumacher, freshman: “German is my favorite class because Frau has a great teaching style. I’ve learned so much and have had more fun in that class than any other.”
Olivia Blumb, freshman: “Ms.Simon’s physical science because we usually do something fun.”
Lauren Welker, freshman: “All of them because I have excelled academically in each one.”
Olivia Escalante, freshman: “English with Ms.Jochman because it’s something I understand, and it’s easy for me.”
Allison Rakers, freshman: “Gym: I get physical exercise and it’s fun.”
Chris Kapic, freshman: “English because it’s my lowest grade.”
Maddie Glosny, freshman: “Probably Band because I love playing music.”
Connor Hennigan, freshman: “Social Studies with Mr. Mal because we learn material, and we also learn decision-making skills.”
Olivia Allen, freshman: “I like English because it gives us a chance to express ourselves as individuals through writing.”
Claire Therrien, freshman: “Social Studies because Mr. Mal makes it fun.”
Claire Sievert, freshman: “I would say ICP because it’s a challenging class, and I feel like striving to face challenges such as this class make me a better person. Mainly this week, Honors English has been especially amazing because we were working on our optimism speeches. Many of the students in our class are afraid of speaking in front of people, and it’s really inspirational to see and hear how so many people use and will use their optimism to help them strive in the future.”