Academy Chatter: Looking back, what was the highlight of your summer?

Students enjoy the fall pep rally.

Staff Writers, Journalism I students

Kimmy Umentum, senior: “Going to Europe.”

Jacob Bongiorno, senior: “My favorite part of summer was working at Bellin Health, taught me good life skills you don’t learn in school.”

Stephen Scripp, senior: “The best part of my summer was taking the boat out for sunset cruises.”

Grace Shaw, senior: “Boating and hanging out in Door County all summer.”

Kate Sullivan, senior: “My fave part was exploring Europe with my friends and spending time in Door County with my family.”

Max Polack, senior: “Future, Migos & Big Sean concert.”

Leya AbuJamara, sophomore: “Traveling to Arizona.”

Katarina Kussow, senior: “Going to Cave Point with friends right when summer started.”

Adam Roitstein, senior: “The Billy Joel concert.”

Noal Watzka, senior: “Hangin’ with the boys and chillin’ by the water.”

Elizabeth Scott, junior: “Hanging with Fuzz.”

Maya Filon, junior: “Traveling all over Europe.”

Sami Lefever, junior: “Going to New York City.”

Jenna Cuene, junior: “Hanging out on the water.”

Nick Koehler, junior: “Going on the Europe trip.”

Kennedy Onell, senior: “Going to my family reunion at Bear Lake, even though I missed Fuzz.”

Grace Fangman, junior: “Going to my cottage on Clark Lake.”

John Allen, senior: “Being a part of Stanley being accepted into the Gregoire family.”

Aeva Ver Boort, junior: “Going to my cottage with my family.”

Grady Brick, junior: “Going to speed training with Jack Allen.”

Sarah Lelinski, sophomore:“ Went to a boot camp.”

Mrs. Amy Stover, staff: “Enjoyed our family trip to Europe.”

Mariah Michalski, sophomore: “ Had fun in Missouri.”

Kaitlyn Kulick, junior: “Not being at school.”

Sam VanStraten, sophomore: “Went to Europe.”

Chloe Greenwood, sophomore: “Had a good summer.”

Emma Paulson, sophomore: “ Enjoyed sleeping in.”

Bella Zingler-Hoslet, sophomore: “Went to a Coldplay concert.”

Carlos Zaragoza, sophomore: “Enjoyed working.”

Molly Rader, sophomore: “Las Vegas with brother and cousins.”

Timothy Geocaris, sophomore: “Hanging out with my friends all summer.”

Noah Sternig, sophomore: “Hanging out with friends and swimming.”

Connor Crown, sophomore: “Making memories with my friends and family.”

Fritz Sehring, sophomore: “I enjoyed going up to my cottage.”

Gioia Cumicek, sophomore: “Hanging out with my friends and family.”

Abby Wittler, sophomore: “Traveling during the summer.”

Eli Canadeo, sophomore: “Going to Disney World.”

Mattea Vecera, sophomore: “Hanging with all of my friends everyday and going to bonfires.”

Autumn Klemencic, junior: “Going to CUSA with my friends.”

Anthony Farone, freshman: “Playing baseball.”

Kai Assef, sophomore: “Going to Minnesota.”

Howie Gerstner, sophomore: “Summer running for cross country. The camaraderie on the team propels me to keep up on of my training and is always the highlight of my summer.”

Senora Stover, teacher:  “Got a puppy.”

Micah Dennis, junior: “Went to a music festival in Eau Claire and saw Chance the Rapper.”

Rhio O’Toole, sophomore: “Went to Florida.”

Max Hennigan, sophomore: “Whitewater rafting in Colorado.”

Chloe Greenwood, sophomore: “Hanging out with friends.”

Sarah Lelinski, sophomore: “Went to Florida.”

Caragan Olles, sophomore: “Jet skiing on Lake Michigan.”

Nadine Johnson, junior: “Hanging out at the pool with my friends.”

Lauren Schauer, sophomore: “Going up to my friend’s cottage for a few days.”

Olivia VandenElzen, junior: “Visiting friends at work.”

Maddie Woodward, senior: “Going to Montana with my best friends.”

Noal Watzka, senior: “Studying for the upcoming school year!”

Olivia Blumb, senior: “Working in Door County!”

Sam Warpinski, senior: “Getting new shoes.”

Alex Ruiz, senior: “Being able to see my best buddies every single day.”

Grant Shilbauer, senior: “Cave Point with my friends.”

Mitch Chosa, junior: “Getting to play the sport I love with the guys I love.”

Rachel Petermann, senior: “Country USA!!”

Ellie Tressler, senior: “Going to Door County almost every weekend.”

Matthew Kini, senior: “Getting up at 5 a.m. for hockey workouts.”

Brian Feng, senior: “Going to hangout with my friends!”

Katie Romes, senior: “I saw Hamilton.”

Sam Frantz, senior: “Going to Norway.”

Janine Moreno, senior: “Going to a New York Jazz club–and Broadway.”

Lily Schumacher, senior: “Bob Dylan. Summer Fest.”

Clare Ravizza, senior: “I guess my trip to Italy.”

Lilly Brada, senior: “How do I pick a favorite part?”

Molly McKenna, senior: “Probably going to South Dakota.”

Andrew Wolfram, senior: “Sleeping.”

Andrew Gruesen, senior: “Flying.”

Anastasia Geigel, junior: “Colorado and seeing my cousins.

Breanna Van Dreel, sophomore: “I like the vacations. On the different vacations we went on, they had their highlights.”

Alexandra Van Dreel, sophomore: “I got to go on vacation with family. I got to the fjords of Norway.”

Reilly Diederich, sophomore: “I just worked and did absolutely nothing besides watching videos on Youtube.”

Cashay Lewis, sophomore: “Going to Wisconsin Dells.”

Clare Blumreich, sophomore: “Camping.”

Karen Cendejas, sophomore: “Getting my temps, I guess.”

Jasmine Ortiz, sophomore: “Shara and my birthday.”

Shara Feng, sophomore: “Jasmine.”

Alejandro Sosa-Hernandez, 8th grader: “Sleeping in.”

Abril Hernandez, staff: “I got to spend time with your dad–working.”

Aeva Ver Boort, junior: “Going up to my cottage with family and friends.”

Keegan Gille, sophomore: “Enjoying time with family and friends.”

Grace Fangman, junior: “Going to my cabin.”

Claire Kini, junior: “Going to Europe with my family.”

Chloe Capomaccio, junior: “Spending time with friends.”

Olivia Cullen, sophomore: “Getting to sleep in everyday.”

Grace Balison, junior: “Europe trip 2017.”

Maya Filon, junior: “Traveling Europe.”

Tommy Martzahl, junior: “Waking up at 7 a.m. for football workouts.”

Ellie Tressler, senior: “Going up to my cottage and spending time with friends.”

Evan Skaletski, sophomore: “I went to Europe.”

Noah Sternig, sophomore: “I enjoyed going to the beach and swimming.”

Ben Gregory, sophomore: “Being home alone by myself.”

James Adams, sophomore: “When Noah S. crashed a jet ski.”

Henry Kanning, sophomore: “My favorite part was sleeping.”

Max Hennigan, sophomore: “I liked being a night owl.”

Dennis Guo, sophomore: “I loved playing Playstation with my friends.”

Gavin Ostrenga, sophomore: “I enjoyed going to the Milwaukee Zoo.”

Owen Brummel, sophomore: “My favorite part was running with the XC team at Iron Mountain.”

Anna Schaut, junior: “Spending time with my friends.”

Courtney Romes, sophomore: “I liked camping.”

Hannah Guyette, sophomore: “Going up north or going to Hamilton.

Helena Parmar, sophomore: “Either golfing with my friends or traveling.”

Katherine Zeise, junior: “Hanging out with my friends and family every day.”

Ellie Rose, sophomore: “Hanging with my best friends.”

Max Timmer, sophomore: “Baseball.”

Reid Milton, sophomore: “Getting my driver’s license.”

Maggie Miller, senior: “Working at the hospital and being a CNA.”

Sydney Lemkuil, sophomore: “Going to New York.”

Anna Schaut, junior: “Spending time with my friends.”

Adison Karbon, sophomore: “Horse shows.”

Taylor Massart, sophomore: “Camping.”

Joel Meglic, sophomore: “Hanging out with friends.”

Albert Yanez, sophomore: “Going to work.”

Sydney Lemkuil, sophomore: “Going to New York.”

Ellie Rose, sophomore: “Hanging out with my bestest friends.”

Bella Brabazon, sophomore: “Hanging out with friends.”

Maddie Vincent, sophomore: “Getting to travel, hanging out with friends and golf.”

Lily Balison, freshman: “Going to my cottage.”

Garrett Grzesk, freshman: “Fantasy Baseball.”

Noah Jaeckels,  freshman: “Weightlifting and down time.”

Danny Nennig, freshman: “Going to Lucy Quidzinski’s party.”

Alex Grzybowski,  freshman: “Going to Canada.”

Jack Christianson, freshman: “Going to the triathlon champs.”

Jack Salzwedel, freshman: “Teaching little kids.”

Anna Smith, freshman: “Going to Acadia.”

Riley VandenHouten, freshman: “Water skiing on ski team.”

Lucy Quidzinski, freshman: “Meeting Danny Nennig’s puppy.”