Academy Chatter: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

Staff Writers, Staff Writers, Journalism I

Sydney Lemkuil, junior: “I am thankful for my family.”

Caragan Olles, junior: “I am thankful for my dog.”

Ellen Meeuwsen, junior: “How supportive my family and friends are.”

Bella Weslow, junior: “Family, friends, and my dogs.”

Hannah Guyette, junior: “Seeing my family and friends for the holidays.”

Daniela Ron, sophomore: “My favorite part of Thanksgiving is spending time with my friends since my family is back at home.”

Hannah Weisse, sophomore: “Definitely spending time with my family; they are so fun to be around.”

Faith Windy, sophomore: My favorite part of Thanksgiving is the good memories that last forever.”

Chloe Forbes, sophomore: “Probably spending time with family and friends.”

Ruth Schlumpf, sophomore: “Definitely the food is my favorite.”

Ciara Van Dreese, senior: “Food and family.”

Mariah Michalski, junior: “My family.”

Maddie Jaloszynski, senior: “Spending time with my family.”

Charles Nash, junior: “Family.”

Luca Frigo, junior: “Spending time with my family.”

Yana Williams, junior: “I am thankful for my family and my dog.”

Samm Mecklenburg, junior: “I’m thankful for my friends.”

Molly Rader, junior: “I’m thankful to have Matthew home and for my puppy, Leo.”

Clara Blumreich, junior: “I am thankful to have a warm house.”

Taylor Massart, junior: “I am thankful for my family,”

Cassidy Noble, junior: “Friends and family.”

Parker Olson, junior: “Everyone, everything.”

Adison Karbon, junior: “I am thankful for all of the opportunities I have.”

Sydney Lemkuil, junior: “Good health.”

Emma Paulson, junior: “The opportunity to go to Haiti over the break.”

Olivia Vanden Elzen, senior: “I am thankful for my family, friends and my job which is scooping gelato!”
Jada Ver Boort, sophomore: “That I get to spend time with family in Florida.”
Maddie Jaloszynski, senior: “I am thankful for all of the good food I will eat.”
Fuzz French, senior: “I am most thankful for my family, friends and Aeva.”
Brelyn McCarron, senior: “To spend time with my family coming into town.”
Trinity Janowski, senior: “Family, food, and freedom.”
Bella Zent, senior: “I am thankful to be heading down to Arizona this Thanksgiving to enjoy the warm sun with my family.”
Sra. Stover, staff: “My family, the health of my family, and all of the little things I take for granted.”
Emily Cribben, junior: “My family and opportunities.”
Kayla Whatley, senior: “My family and my best friend Olivia Vanden Elzen.”
Keegan Gille, junior: “My beautiful mother.”

Ethan Motquin, senior: “Being able to spend time with my family.”

Bergin Olson, senior: “Football.”

Maddie Jaloszynski, senior: “My brother coming home.”

Jack Kress, junior: “I am grateful for my family.”

Brigit McInnis, freshman: “My family.”

Sam Schmid, junior: “No school.”

Katie Zasuly, freshman: “I am thankful for my family and the opportunity to attend NDA.”

Anna Schaut, senior: “I am most thankful for my family and friends that I get to spend my Thanksgiving break with.”

Chloe Greenwood, junior: “I am pretty thankful for everything in my life at the moment.”

Megan Zasuly, junior: “I am thankful for the food; I love checking for chips.”

Julia Slusarek, senior: “My friends and family, and mash potatoes and gravy.”

Grace Wheeler, senior: “Getting my tonsils removed.”

Mattea Vecera, junior: “I am most thankful for my family and all the great friends I have in my life right now.”

Claire Kini, senior: “Stuffing and green bean casserole.”

Leya AbuJambra, junior: “Getting to be with my family and having my grandma’s amazing food.”

Hannah Reitz, junior: “Being able to be with family.”

Anna Schaut, senior: “I love being able to spend time with family that I don’t get to see very often over Thanksgiving dinner.”

Caleb Baeten, senior: “Hunting with my grandpa.”