Dance Team Challenges: Is It Fair?

Frannie Wied, Staff Writer, Journalism I

Dance is a strenuous sport that should be taken just as seriously as any other sport – this is not something that happens at Notre Dame. 

The NDA Dance Team is made up of 10 dancers, all with previous experience in dance or pom. 

Dance is a highly expensive sport. Between competition fees, costume prices, and training – prices rack up quickly. The dance team is already self-funded. It isn’t fair that they should have to fight for the legitimacy of their sport – no sport should have to fight the school for a right to a safe space to practice and equal opportunities that any other sport has. 

Years ago, there was a dance studio in the basement where the team was able to practice. The school decided it was no longer needed so they got rid of it. This would be fine if they found the team another space to practice, but they didn’t. 

Another conflict they face is fall and winter sports practicing at the same time the dance team has practice. Recently with girls basketball starting up, they were kicked out of the gym again. As a result, they have to practice in the commons.

The school offered them the opportunity to practice in the back of the gym while girls’ basketball was practicing, with one condition – they aren’t allowed to play their music. Anyone who has any knowledge of dance and the amount of practice it takes to prepare for a competition knows that they need to hear their music in order to practice.  

Practicing in the commons also poses many safety issues. Between flooring, objects, and people coming in and out of the commons, this disrupts and interferes with their practice. 

Another issue the dance team faces is support. Most sports have student sections cheering and supporting them, but this is something the dance team doesn’t have. The school doesn’t take the time or effort to promote them to the same extent they do with other sports. Even on the Morning Show, they aren’t talked about and their accomplishments are overlooked. 

“One thing the dance team really struggles with is support from other students.  I don’t think I have ever seen any students showing up at dance competitions. It is nothing like football in the sense that you can’t really cheer, but the support is still greatly appreciated.” said Sam Mach, a freshman on the team. 

So how much longer will the Dance Team have to wait for the legitimacy of their sport to be recognized?