Who Writes This Paper? A Look Inside The Tritonian
October 8, 2019
Notre Dame Academy has a lot going on inside and out of the school, but some people do not know where to find this news.
The Online Tritonian is where you can find news about alumni, new faculty members, sports and more.
The Tritonian stories are written by Journalism students for all those who are willing to read.
Senior Adison Karbon, second year writer for The Tritonian, said, “I decided to write for The Tritonian out of a love for writing and also a desire to pursue journalism in the future.”
The staff members who write for The Tritonian consist of the first- hour journalism class and the independent study members who write outside of class.
“The class is a lot more fun,” said Karbon. “I miss seeing my journalism friends and Mrs. Brown every day.”
“Mrs. Brown really knows how to make class fun but put her foot down when necessary,” she added.
Every week the Advanced Journalism members are required to write a feature, news or sports story and contribute a Humans of NDA, which is due on Sunday at noon.
Humans of NDA are one-to-two sentence features on a student or faculty member and includes a picture of the person..
Stories for The Online Tritonian are primarily edited and posted online by English/Journalism teacher Carolyn Brown. Senior Lauren Van Gheem is the person who uploads pictures and videos to the site.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do next year when Lauren graduates,” said Mrs. Brown. “She does so much for the paper, especially the technical stuff I don’t know how to do. I am constantly texting her to do this or that–and she always gets it done so fast.”
Brown suggests story ideas each week, occasionally helped by other faculty members in the school.
The Tritonian often has a poll for readers to vote on. The poll sometimes is questions about the seasons, different events at NDA, sports, movies and more.
Van Gheem said, “I write for The Tritonian because I enjoy writing about news in our community. It is also cool to meet people in the school that I would not have met if it weren’t for The Tritonian. I love Mrs. Brown’s positive attitude and funny stories too.”
Brown sometimes comes up with a Tritonian quiz about different stories for homerooms to answer for a chance to win brownies.
Karbon said, “Our stories are very interesting and relevant, and we would love more readers.”
In addition to the ongoing Online Tritonian, the staff is responsible for two print editions of the paper, the senior issue at the end of the year and the Academy Awards issue before the popular talent show.
“What really excites me when I’m working on the online paper is a comment from our readers, so feel free, if you’re reading this, to let us know how we’re doing,” said the adviser.
Jenny • Oct 8, 2019 at 5:42 pm