Teaching, Traveling, Gaming. . . Theology Teacher Stanczak Embraces Life with Passion

Fabiola Ruacho, Staff Writer, Journalism I

Mrs. Katie Stanczak is well known for her love of gaming and sponsorship of the very popular Game Club, but what else does her life revolve around? 

“I love to spend time with my family. I also love to read, study historical and religious art and make stained glass pieces,” said the theology teacher who is a Notre Dame Academy alum.

“Considering I have lived in Green Bay my entire life, most are surprised to learn that I never attended a GRACE school. I have been very blessed to attend Catholic schools my entire life, but because my mother was a principal, I commuted with her to the respective schools. For elementary school, I attended ABVM (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary) in Pulaski and for Middle School, Holy Angels in Darboy. It was at Holy Angels (now called Holy Spirit) that I met my life-long best friend, Sra. Vanden Wyngaard.” 

Mrs. Stanczak is passionate about teaching and sees her position as a privilege. She is very proud of her academic achievements, such as completing two graduate degrees. 

Believe it or not, Mrs. Stanczak was thinking about attending law school before she got into teaching, but she also said another dream has been to own her own restaurant/catering business or a hotel in the hospitality industry. 

Mrs. Stanczak loves traveling, and her dream destinations are Australia, New Zealand, Tokyo, Greenland and Egypt. She also hopes to return to Brazil to visit some family she has over there, and in her opinion, “The top three places I have been to and love are Italy, Turkey and Alaska, but Switzerland, Greece, Estonia and Sweden are a very close second.”

Aside from her love of Game Club she also values her “faith, family and freedom.” 

 As she said, “The ability to be open, honest, and public about my faith as an educated woman is not a welcomed reality everywhere in the world.” 

All of which makes her very thankful to share these with NDA.