Debate Club is one of many clubs and extracurricular activities available at Notre Dame.
According to the club’s adviser, Ms. Joan Cinotto, the club has been growing fast and has about 50 current members.
“Depending on the day, we have anywhere from 10-20 people attend the meetings,” explained Cinotto.
Junior Misha Narendra is the president and founder of the club, but other students play a big role in helping pick debate topics and activities.
The club has done a variety of activities, such as learning debate etiquette and logical fallacies and doing fun debate warmups where you have to disagree with the person next to you no matter what they say.
Their debates feature a wide variety of topics. Cinotto explained, “We have debated everything from capital punishment to whether a hot dog is a sandwich or a taco.”
Decorating cookies and debating–which one is the best–is another fun activity the club has done.
The debate club is interested in participating in debate competitions in the near future.
“It’s been a lot of fun to watch the growth in our club members from yelling to presenting more logical, rational arguments, and they are super creative with debate topics,” added the adviser.
She concluded, “Stop in one morning and see what we’re all about! Anyone can join–no debate experience necessary.”