NDA Open House Set for November 17
November 1, 2015
NDA invites the community to its Open House on Tuesday, November 17. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m., and the Open House is from 6 to 8 p.m.
At the Open House, visitors will get a chance to see what NDA truly has to offer. This may include visiting Mr. Dan Kriegel and learning more about campus ministry at NDA.
In addition, visitors may learn about the academic curriculum, International Baccalaureate programme, tuition grants, school choice, music and theatre programs, athletics, clubs, and multiple other activities.
Considerable effort goes into the planning and organization of the event. Mrs. Karen Konop and Mrs. Sarah VanGrunsven, who run the Admissions Office, are key people behind the success of NDA’s open houses.
Also, the Open House would not be as successful without student involvement. This year, like past years, students will be at stations for their clubs. Most will have a display and a small presentation about what their club has to offer.
Each club and sport will have something interactive for the people attending the Open House. For example, this year the golf team is having a putting contest. Some coaches will be around to answer any questions.
In addition, there will be education departments set up in the Commons too. Lastly, NDA apparel will be available for sale in the school store.
Mrs. Konop said, “The setup will all be located in the Commons. You simply walk in and register online on a computer. After that, it is up to you where you want to go from there.”
“However, there will be student ambassadors and teachers leading tours around the school,” Konop stated, “and you can also attend information sessions during the Open House.”
From 6 to 6:40 p.m. and 7 to 7:40 p.m., Business Manager Ken Flaten and Director of Admissions Konop, will speak about tuition grants and school choice. From 6:45 to 7:05 p.m. and 7:20 to 7:40 p.m. NDA’s Principal, Dr. John Ravizza, and Associate Principal, Mr. Greg Masarik, will speak about the academic curriculum at NDA. Lastly, from 6:45 to 7:05 p.m. and 7:40 to 8 p.m. people will have the chance to learn from Mr. Matt Schultz, IB Coordinator, about the International Baccalaureate programme.
If the night follows the pattern of previous years, the school will be bustling with visitors and NDA personnel trying to “sell” their school and its multiple programs.