APPP Planning a Plethora of Events for NDA
October 2, 2016
NDA’s biggest club is APPP, which stands for Allies for Positive Peer Pressure.
APPP is made up of three core groups. The groups include Moving Ahead, HumanKind, and Healthy Relationships.
Moving Ahead works to prevent alcohol and drug use. HumanKind prevents bullying and harassment by promoting kindness, and Healthy Relationships works to prevent premarital sex.
Overall, APPP is a support group that promotes positive decisions and includes students who all share the same values. This year, there are over 481 returning members in grades 10 through 12.
On Tuesday, September 20th, a majority of NDA’s student body signed the APPP pledge banner to become a member for the 2016-2017 school year. At the pledge-signing ceremony, the students were given words of advice from NDA’s very own vice president of business operations and ex-athletic director, Mr. Ken Flaten (father of senior Jordan Flaten).
Mr. Flaten opened up about his childhood and shared his insight with NDA students. He focused on how the decisions one makes ultimately affect everyone around the person. Therefore, he stated the importance of everyone making decisions that will impact others in a positive way.
“My daughter hopes to someday be just like Katelyn Morgan and Olivia Campbell,” he said. Through this quote, Mr. Flaten was expressing how important it is for NDA students to be good, strong role models because younger people are always watching and imitating.
Junior leader Jack Allen said, “It was a great way for students who all share the same values to come together and show support for one another. Mr. Flaten did a great job as the guest speaker.”
On Friday, September 23rd, APPP and Student Government sponsored a tailgate party before the football game against the Pulaski Red Raiders. At the tailgate, the band Outpatients played, and Sno-Cap root beer was provided courtesy of Titletown Brewery.
Junior leader Cole Cullen said, “The APPP tailgate was a fun experience. With the live music, free root beer and food, it was a great place for students and parents to enjoy a pregame tailgate.”
APP future events include the dodgeball tournament, the wellness challenge and the drunk driving simulator. Also, APPP is having a video game challenge for the second year on Friday, November 11, after school. At this event, there will be food, prizes, and live music.
In addition, Dr. Meg Meeker is coming to NDA to speak about chastity in late October.