ASTRA Focuses on Service Opportunities

Gioia Cumicek, Staff Writer, Journalism I

ASTRA is a club at NDA dedicated to service. The goal of the club is to get NDA students involved in service around the Green Bay community. The club also strives to give opportunities to students that they may not have outside of school.

“It gives an opportunity where I myself might not find one,” said senior Paul Gapinski.

The club allows those who have a passion for service meet others with the same passion or who will develop the passion over time.

Not only does the club bond over their love for service but they also bond over their faith. “We also try to bring people closer to their faith through service which is a core value at NDA,” said Lauren Welker, ASTRA president.

“We try to pick fun events that the kids will enjoy,” said Campus Minister Daniel Kreigl.

Once a month the leaders meet to decide on the activities they will be doing. They try to decide on activities that are fun for the members but will also help their passion for service grow. They look for many diverse opportunities. Some of these activities include going to St.John’s homeless shelter, phonathons and social issue events.“We do almost everything and anything,” said Kreigl.

Being a dedicated member of the club allows you to take advantage of service opportunities outside of the club such as the Nicaragua trip, the Green Bay Miracle League, the Chicago service trip, and the Canton, Mississippi, service trip.

“I highly recommend all of those for people interested in making an impact in their local, national or international community,” said Welker.

The club’s most current activity will be a phonathon dedicated to the recent hurricanes. The club will raise funds, awareness and support for those affected by the hurricanes.

The club does a good job of spreading the word and letting the incoming freshmen and new students know how the club works. ASTRA is a welcoming club that is happy to welcome anyone interested in joining. The club currently has around one hundred and fifty students signed up for the 2017-2018 school year and is looking forward to increasing that number.

“My favorite part about being president is leading the NDA students in something that I am passionate about, and that is service,” said Welker.