Eight Students Selected for Kiwanis Fine Arts Awards
April 16, 2019
Every year the Green Bay Area Kiwanis Clubs recognize students for their accomplishments in the fine arts. This year eight NDA students will be among the recipients at the 40th Annual George Kress Youth Awards Banquet on May 7 at the Riverside Ballroom.
Students are selected by teachers for their dedication, hard work and involvement in classes. There are four main spheres, including art, music, drama and journalism.
“In a world where sports gets so much press and attention, it’s always nice to honor those whose talents fall into the area of the arts. Those students need a night in the spotlight too,” said Mrs. Carolyn Brown, one of the nominating teachers for the awards banquet.
NDA recipients have been nominated by Mrs. Christine Salerno, choir; Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Jean Thillman, journalism; Mrs. Andrea Gilson, drama; Mr. Steve Johnson, band; and Mrs. Melanie Bradshaw, art.
Juniors Gioia Cumicek and Lauren Van Gheem will receive NDA’s journalism award. Abby Heyroth and Josie Bieker, who graduate in 2020 as well, will be recognized for their achievements in art. Sophomores Audrey Sladek and Andrew Gunville will be honored for their musical talents and commitment while juniors Mattea Vecera and Ellen Meeuwsen will receive the drama awards.
Naturally NDA recipients appreciate the recognition.
Junior Lauren Van Gheem explained, “It is very important to me to be recognized for something I love. Journalism is a very cool area of study. You get to learn about people and events in the community and write about it in your own words for others to read. As a journalist I feel truly blessed and honored to receive this award.”
Sophomore Audrey Sladek has been involved in music for a long time. As a member of the band, she said, “I am very grateful for this award. It makes me feel proud of who I am and what I have been able to be apart of. Also, I feel extremely blessed to have such amazing people in my life to help and support me in my musical endeavors.”
The ceremony recognizes the nominees from each school in the Brown County area. Principal Patrick Brown will announce the names of each NDA recipient and and present them with a medal.
The banquet also includes a dinner for the students, their parents and their nominating teachers as well as a speaker or performance in the arts.