Red Cross Blood Drive Here on Tuesday, April 23
April 16, 2019
The next Red Cross blood drive at NDA will take place Tuesday, April 23.
Many students participate in the blood drive. The process is now a ritual of sorts here at the school.
Students sign up at lunch, receive a pass on their locker and then head to the Alumni Gym when it is their time. When they arrive, they read material, get their finger pricked, and if they have enough iron, they can give blood.
Every year the Red Cross receives about 45-55 pints of blood from students and staff with 20-25 deferrals. Students usually get deferred because they do not weigh enough, have had a recent piercing, have travelled somewhere or are on a certain medicine.
“I do a variety of things involving the blood drive,” said Claire Kini, a blood drive coordinator. She helps to check each person in for their appointment time, makes sure everyone has the items they need to give blood, talks to people to calm their nerves before they give blood and while they are giving blood, and helps the donors get the food and drinks they need.
“I do a little bit of everything since I am very familiar with how the blood drives function after three years of being a part of it,” said Kini.
Kini’s favorite part about the blood drive is knowing the impact she has on other people’s lives. The last blood drive that was hosted here was during a blood emergency. It meant a lot to Kini knowing how many people she was helping during this emergency.
Campus Minister Daniel Kriegl’s favorite thing about the blood drive is that it is a sacrifice that directly helps people and saves lives.
“Our culture tends to be selfish and avoid sacrifice/discomfort, so the blood drives, if you are brave enough and willing, can train us against that mindset,” said Kriegl.
“One pint of blood, which is a standard donation, can save up to three people’s lives which is truly amazing,” said Kini.
The biggest challenge of the blood drive is getting the students to give blood. Many young people are scared of needles which makes them hesitate to try it.