A pre-game tailgate and Hall of Fame induction honoring Notre Dame Academy alumni will take place Sept. 20-21.
The alumni tailgate will be held in the NDA commons before the Manitowoc-NDA football game on Friday the 20th. This is a free event open to all alumni as a social event.
“We look forward to getting together, eating burgers and remembering our days at NDA,” said Alumni Coordinator Eliza Campbell, who has been contacting alumni through emails and other social media outlets.
Following the Friday-night tailgate, the Hall of Fame Induction will take place on Saturday at Michels Commons on the campus of St. Norbert College. This event is open to everyone, and tickets are still available.
The planning of this event has been going on since April when a selection committee met to decide on the inductees after reading and considering those nominated. Nominees were informed before their announcement to the general public, according to Campbell.
“A recognition like this is our school’s way of acknowledging the important work people do or have done in their life in high school and after,” she said.
Around 140 people are expected to attend, including family members of the inductees.
“I’ve attended several inductions,” said English teacher Carolyn Brown. “It is a beautiful event, a special celebration of those who have given so much to NDA and the community.”
Inductees include:
Academic Division
Arts: Lynn Rademacher Sygiel, SJA 1968
Education: Dottie Erdmann
Military: Richard Przybelski, PHS 1962
Business: Garritt Bader, NDA 1999
Athletic Division
Phil Arant, APHS 1973
Todd Gregoire, APHS 1984
Chad Zehms, NDA 1992
Mason Appleton, NDA 2014
Legends Division
Ken Flaten, PHS 1977
1984 SJA Softball State Title Team
1992 NDA Football State Title Team