NDA will be hosting their annual College Night on Monday, February 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the school auditorium.
The event is designed to guide juniors and their families through the college admissions process, offering critical tools and insights to prepare them.
“College Night is an essential kickoff for juniors to start thinking about college seriously,” said one of the event’s main organizers, College Counselor Becky Bain.
“It provides them with the knowledge and resources they need to confidently navigate the application process,” she added.
The event will cover a broad range of topics, including how to create a college list, explore potential career fields, research schools and manage their applications.
Bain emphasized the importance of early preparation. “Senior year is incredibly busy for both students and counselors,” she said.
Understanding how to use tools such as NAVIANCE to send transcripts, letters of recommendation and essays ahead of time is essential.
College Night introduces juniors and their parents to all of this.
This year’s event will feature two expert speakers.
Private college counselor Chuck Erickson and St. Norbert College’s Admission Director Eric Wagner will be answering questions during the event. Both have 20 years of experience in their field.
“It’s the first time we’ve partnered with these speakers, and we are excited to see how the night goes,” said Bain.
Preparation for an event such as this requires teamwork.
Bain credited several staff members, including Ms. Briana Rockwood, Ms. Ciera Gerl, Ms. Molly Vandenhouten, Mr. Jake Gerlikovski (tech) and the maintenance crew, for their help in planning the event.
Despite the significance and effort put in, only 50 out of 190 junior families have registered so far.
“We need every college-bound junior to attend this event,” said Bain. “The information and resources provided are invaluable and can make a huge difference in their senior year and beyond.”
Families can register until the event to ensure organizers have enough resources for everyone.
“We need to know how many guides to print and how to best accommodate attendees,” stressed the college counselor.
College Night at NDA is a key opportunity for juniors and their families to jumpstart the college process.
“This event is all about setting our students up for success. We want every junior to walk away feeling prepared and confident about their future,” added Bain.