Attending Catholic schools does not make us better than those who attend public schools or other private schools, but it does distinguish us because we desire to become all that God has created us to be. We try to hear his vocational call and respond with a resounding, “Yes!”
We praise Him. We turn to Him in our prayers of petition, our prayers of thanksgiving, and our prayers of contrition. Yes, we fall short on a daily basis through our mistakes and poor decisions, but we are drawn in by a true desire to make straight our paths. So receiving a Catholic education does distinguish us from others.
Here at Notre Dame, we embrace our Constitutional right to freedom of religion, and we welcome God to walk with us as we learn. We pray with Jesus in our chapel because he is truly present in the Most Holy Eucharist. We call upon the gifts of the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us. We recognize that everything good comes from God, and we know He wants the best for us. We are blessed to have God in our classrooms here at Notre Dame. It’s just part of our culture. It’s who we are…and we are distinguished.
In a society which is becoming more closed to Jesus, in a culture that desires freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion, I am blessed to be able to go to a school where I can pray to God and acknowledge His presence. As Catholics we are called and chosen to bring God to everyone. I believe that Catholic schools give us the perfect opportunity to allow God not only into our classrooms but also into our hearts which go out to all the world.
I am thankful to you, Notre Dame, for this privilege to know and study God’s wisdom in a community filled with faith. Thank you and God bless.