I recently completed my third full basketball season as the play-by-play voice of both Notre Dame Sports and W7 Productions, and it had me thinking and reflecting on the journey it has been for the past four years.
When I was a freshman, I was coming into high school after the pandemic year and having undergone major surgery on my neck. I had no idea what I was doing with myself, where the vast majority of my classes were or how the future looked for me, but that all changed pretty quickly.
I joined the Cross-Country program in the summer, and that proved to be one of, if not the greatest, things to ever happen to me. The people within the program–runners, parents and coaches–changed me for the better, and the entire trajectory of my high school life shot through the roof.
I then joined the band program, and much like cross country, the people were incredible. The musicians, the families, and Mr. Johnson made such an impression on me that it no longer became a class that I had to take for an art credit; it became a class that I got to take for an art credit and enjoyed every minute of it.
I ended up participating in both programs for all four years of high school, and some of the most joyful moments of my life came from being involved with those programs and getting to share those memories with some of my closest friends.
I mentioned at the start that I have been broadcasting games for the last three years, I recently surpassed 100 total games called, and that would have never happened if I had not put myself in a position to be a little vulnerable but the reward has been great.
Had I not joined the cross country or band programs and built up some confidence, I never in my wildest dreams would have reached out to Joey Bonadonna to inquire about calling a game with him. Through the newfound confidence I had in myself, I reached out to him and was on the air for the first time as a freshman. I took over for him my sophomore year and the rest is history.
People often ask what the best part of being a sportscaster is, and I always respond with the same answer: “I never would have had the chance to meet some of the people that I now call close friends had I not tried to do this.”
For the past three years, I have built and cherished many moments, memories and friendships with some incredible people. That never would have happened if I had not put myself out there and tried to create a great experience for myself.
If anyone takes the time to read all of this, I hope you find it meaningful, but I also want you to hear a great piece of advice I once received: “Trying to be perfect is not perfect. You are more than enough as you are.”
I have no business being in the position I am in, having great success in several different areas, but because I was willing to try new things and meet new people, it resulted in the greatest four-year stretch of my life, and I am forever grateful for it.