Senior Riley Guyette Reflects, Appreciates All Theater Program Has Meant to Him

Senior Riley Guyette Reflects, Appreciates All Theater Program Has Meant to Him

Riley Guyette, Editor-in-Chief

I still remember being an elementary schooler walking into NDA’s massive auditorium to watch their performance of Beauty And The Beast. I was so amazed that everyone was able to remember their lines, and the production quality of the show was so impressive to me. “I want to be an actor like them,” I told my parents excitedly. 

While I didn’t exactly become an actor, I have had the honor to be involved with our school’s theater program as a member of the tech team. The tech team helps to produce the audio and lighting for every event at NDA. During my four years working on the musicals and plays I have run a spotlight, sat backstage to help with any issues with mics and have been the lead audio person. 

I am writing this the night of the final performance of this year’s spring play, Deceiving Granny. It is also my final night ever doing tech for NDA’s theater program. 

It is hard for me to believe that it has ended so quickly. I remember being a sophomore watching the senior tech members during their last performance and thinking to myself, “It must be so strange for them to be done after all of this time.” 

I can’t believe that I am already experiencing how that feels. 

As someone who has watched these performances get built from the ground up, I would like to honor all that those involved with NDA theater do for our school. I haven’t experienced what theater is like in any other schools, but I believe that our school has something special that nowhere else can replicate.

Our productions are filled with some of the most friendly people you will ever meet.

I could tell you something great about every actor and crew member I have ever worked with, whether it be regarding their personality or their talent. 

Our directors, Mrs. Gilson/Mrs. Salerno for the musicals and Señora Dory for the spring play, help to create a friendly and inviting environment for everyone. As cliché as it may sound, after every show I feel like a small family has been created, and that is truly beautiful to me. 

Beyond that, the amount of effort that is put into the production by everyone involved is admirable. I still don’t understand how these actors are able to remember every single line of dialogue for a show that long. Hours are spent building the (often stunning) set, memorizing lines, setting up lights, practicing, performing, and taking everything down. It is the collaborative effort of so many people that makes any show possible. 

It is definitely going to be very difficult to say goodbye to NDA theater. I have met some of my closest friends through tech and have created some unforgettable memories. From Matilda to Deceiving Granny, these productions have been a part of my life for all four years of high school. 

I can’t wait to come back in future years to watch what more this school’s theater program can produce. Thank you to everyone involved for making my dream of being part of a production as amazing as I had hoped.