Academy Chatter: What would have been the perfect New Year’s resolution for you?

Olivia Escalante, freshman: “Keeping my room clean.”

Colton Lippert, senior: “To not get too involved with Clash of Clans.”

Payton VanPelt, freshman: “To cut negative people out of my life and be nicer to people.”

Hannah Ciriacks, freshman: “Do all my Honors Algebra II homework.”

MariJo Lesatz, sophomore: “Be nicer to people.”

Nick Markland, freshman: “Get an A in Algebra.”

Lauren Welker, freshman: “To stop drinking soda and work out five days a week.”

Emily Seidl, freshman: “To do my homework right away, instead of waiting.”

Mr. Scott Mallien, staff: “To actually follow my other New Year’s resolutions all year.”

Dr. John Ravizza, principal: “Exercising more and making sure my skirt is the appropriate length.”

Ashlyn Fitzgerald, freshman: “To study more.”

Eliza Stackhouse, freshman: “To be nicer to my puppy.”

Clare Ravizza, freshman: “To ask for help when I need it.”

Miss Kim Simon, staff: “To make more time for training my dogs.”

Sam Liegel, senior: “Nailing my IOC.”

Charlie Lemkuil, freshman: “Beating Mr. Mal in Trivia Crack and train harder for soccer and lacrosse.”

Anthony Stillwell, senior: “To convince Ty Yewman that I’m his best friend.”

Ellie Tressler, freshman: “To put in more service hours towards to the community.”

Matthew Kini, freshman: “To be nicer to Max Polack.”

Sam Warpinski, freshman: “To give Max Polack my love.”

Shannon Kaufmann, junior: “Eat healthier.”

Mr. Chris Greisen, staff: “I want to make sure I grow more hair.”

Ben Boucher, freshman: “To get better grades and study harder.”

Katherine VanDenHeuvel, freshman: “To remember to do the things I want to do.”

Daniel Patz, freshman: “Trying to be more healthy and active.”

Nichole Michaletz, freshman: “To give up coffee.”

Mrs. Lisa Schmidt, staff: “No one really needs just one New Year’s resolution…Something to strengthen my mind, body, and spirit.”

Phillip “PJ” Schneider, freshman: “Doing my homework in class instead of waiting so long to do it.”

Wyatt Druar, freshman: “To study more.”

Victoria Kratowicz, senior: “To be a better person.”

Samantha Leonhard, senior: “Be healthy.”

Sarah Du Vall, senior: “Get my IB Diploma.”

Corrie Campion, senior: “Get more sleep during the school week.”

Maddie Woodward, freshman: “ Get all A’s.”

Molly Schneider, freshman: “Eat healthier and exercise more.”

Trudy Quidzinski, freshman: “Be nicer to my siblings.”

Maddie Rietz, freshman: “To devote my time more to the needy rather than myself.”

Cole Cullen, freshman: “ To eat healthy and stay organized.”

Andrew Grusen, freshman: “To get my pilot’s license.”

Katelyn Morgan, sophomore: “To score more than an average of 2.5 points per game in basketball.”

Paige Vaughn, sophomore: “To be nice to my brother, Jake.”

Laken Anderson, freshman: “To stop cutting all the hair off of my Barbie dolls. Ken prefers the girls with the luscious locks.”

Mrs. Lisa Schmidt, teacher: “More steps on my pedometer than my husband.”

Vince Hribernik, senior: “Working out to get that hi-def muscle look.”

Carter Jacobson, senior: “To eat at Wendy’s more with Leah.”

Senora Dory, staff: “To stop making it noticeable that I give Isabella O’Day special advantages because she is my favorite student.”

Ty Yewman, senior: “Be more kind and caring.”

Mr. Bryan Konshak, staff: “Beat my old half-marathon time.”

Mrs. Jane Hall, staff: “Enjoy life and save up to take another trip to China.”

Jack Ritchay, senior: “To find out if water is wet.”

Kate Balison, senior: “To grow a fifth ligament.”

Riston Smith, senior: “To go to college.”

Elisabeth Lasecki, sophomore: “I would say to be kind to anyone no matter what!”

Rachel Phillip, freshman: “To be nice to everyone I meet!”

Ryan Zasuly, Freshman: “To not get fat, lol”

Ryan Hornberger, freshman: “I would want to sleep better.”

Sam Frantz, freshman: “I’d want to get an eight pack, haha.”

 Ellie Coles, freshman: “No negative self talk.”