Senior Gianna Farone Paints Mural in Priory Hallway


Senior Gianna Farone, an IB art student, worked diligently to complete the first mural in the priory hallways.  She joins a small, elite group of art students whose art work decorates the halls of NDA.

Q: Why a mural?  Did Ms. Harpold (art teacher) ask you to do it?  Or was the mural your idea?

A. For our final for IB art we were given two options. We could turn an elementary level art project into something of our level, or we could pick a place in the school and create an installation. I wanted to leave a part of myself behind at NDA, and I thought an installation was the perfect way to do it, so I chose to create a mural.

Q. Why did you choose this wall spot in the priory wing? 

A. I chose this spot for a few reasons. It was a flat wall and most of the school walls are painted bricks. It is also out of the way so I would have a chance to work on it often without being a distraction or taking up too much space. The most important reason is that it’s a special place for me because it’s outside Mrs. Jaimer Danen’s room. I spent so much time there and she means the world to me.

Q. How many hours would you say you invested in the project?  

A. I worked on this mural four times a day, nearly every school day for about two and a half weeks, stayed until three p.m. on the last day of finals, and came in early the Friday before graduation to finish it. I’m not good at math but it was well over 50 hours spent working on it. 

Q. Anything you’d want to tell a person who asked you its meaning?? Have a name for it?

A. The inspiration for the design was taken from a few of my IB exhibition pieces, as well as drawings I had done when I filled Jaime Danen’s entire whiteboard with doodles. The main piece that had inspired it symbolizes enlightenment and seeing more clearly after suffering. It does not have a title but the two exhibition pieces were called “Enlightened” and “Split.”

Q. Do you plan to study art in college?  Any long-range plans for art in your future?

A. I’m actually not going to a college or university. I will be enrolled at the Academy of Beauty Professionals in the spring to help me begin my career in hair. I hope to open my own salon some day and get licensed in tattooing as well. Both of these are art and will help me express my creativity and talents in my future.